FTP Accounts
Learn more about what FTP is, what it does and what is the main advantage of having multiple FTP Accounts.
FTP (short for File Transfer Protocol), is the most famous way to transmit website content to a web hosting account. With an FTP software app that’s pre-installed on your desktop or laptop computer, you can make a connection to your web hosting server and copy all the web files that you want with a couple of clicks of the mouse. This is done using an easy-to-use GUI and it is as easy as dragging and dropping the aforementioned files. The advantage of using FTP is the fact that you will be able to set up separate accounts, each one with a different level of access to your web space, so if you want to give someone access, for instance – a designer, they’ll be able to access only a specific directory and will not be able to view the remaining content or any other info, such as private details. Three things are compulsory in order to be able to establish an FTP connection – a hostname, which is normally a domain or an IP, a username and a password.
FTP Accounts in Website Hosting
Each of the
website hosting plans that we offer will enable you to create an unlimited number of FTP accounts, so you will be able to administer the content of your sites independently or to grant other people access to any website in your web hosting account. In case you have a web design software program pre-installed on your PC, you will be able to manage multiple Internet sites all at once and to update them without effort. If you give the login credentials to some other individual to carry out a given task, you’ll be able to change the password for that FTP account or to delete it altogether with just a couple of mouse clicks and prevent any possibility of unauthorized access to your web content in the future. For convenience’s sake, all FTP accounts that you create will be shown alphabetically in the respective section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel.
FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Linux semi-dedicated hosting services are rather powerful, which makes them perfect for hosting a vast number of Internet sites. Speaking of which, we’ve decided not to put a limitation on the number of FTP accounts that you can create, so you can have a different account for each website that you host on our semi-dedicated servers. All FTP accounts will be listed in alphabetical order in the respective section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is included with each and every semi-dedicated account. For any of them, you will be able to view the access path and to modify it, if necessary. In addition, you can set up an account in an FTP client of your desire by downloading an auto-configuration file and running it on your computer, which will save you time. If you have never opened a web hosting account before, you can watch our elaborate how-to videos, which can be accessed through the exact same section of the Control Panel.
FTP Accounts in VPS Hosting
If you open a
Linux virtual private servers with us and choose any of the three hosting Control Panels that we’re offering – DirectAdmin, Hepsia or cPanel, an FTP server will be installed on your virtual machine, since it is an integral part of the standard software suite that comes with all virtual servers ordered with a hosting Control Panel. This will enable you to set up as many FTP accounts as you need and to define what directory each of them can connect to. If you wish, you can even create different accounts for one and the same domain name and give different persons their very own personal log-in details to connect to the website content. Each of the 3 Control Panels will give you the opportunity to set up, to edit or to remove an FTP account in several simple steps and with no more than several clicks, so even in case you don’t possess previous experience, you will be able to administer an FTP account without any effort.