Learn more about InnoDB and see why it’s recently been selected as the default MySQL database engine.
InnoDB is a database engine for MySQL relational databases, which is used by widespread PHP script-driven software apps such as Magento and Joomla™ 3.x. It is ideal for scalable applications, since it performs exceptionally well when handling huge data volumes. Instead of locking the whole database table to enter new information into a database like many other engines do, InnoDB locks only one database row, so it can execute much more tasks for the same period of time. What’s more, InnoDB offers a faster database failure recovery and supports transactions and foreign keys – rules that specify how data imports and updates should be treated. If a given task has not been entirely completed for whatever reason, the action will be rolled back. Thus, the information in the database will be preserved safe and sound and will not be partially merged with newly imported content.
InnoDB in Website Hosting
While InnoDB is either not offered or it is a paid upgrade with other web hosting companies, it’s an integral part of the standard set of services offered with our
website hosting packages. If you want to use an open-source script-powered app that requires InnoDB particularly, in order to be activated and to perform properly, you won’t come across any obstacles because the MySQL database engine is available on our custom-built cloud Internet hosting platform. Irrespective of whether you set up a brand-new MySQL database and activate an app manually or take advantage of our 1-click app installer instrument, InnoDB will be selected automatically by our platform as the default engine if the respective application requires InnoDB rather than MyISAM. Besides the outstanding database crash recovery that InnoDB is offering, we also store regular backups of all databases, so we can swiftly recover any MySQL database in your shared account.
InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Hosting
InnoDB is included with all our
Linux semi-dedicated hosting services by default, so the moment you obtain a new account, you can go ahead and install any PHP script-powered application that needs this MySQL storage engine. Several engines are installed on our cloud web hosting platform, so when you set up a brand new MySQL database and start installing an application manually, or opt to use the Hepsia Control Panel-integrated application installer, the engine for the database will be selected based on the concrete app’s prerequisites. This will allow you to activate and manage InnoDB-specific apps without experiencing any obstacle and without the need to edit any settings in your account. To take no chances, we’ll always keep a one-week-old backup of all your databases, so if you remove or edit any content by mistake, we can swiftly recover it.
InnoDB in VPS Hosting
In case our in-house built Hepsia hosting Control Panel is picked during the registration process for your new
Linux virtual private servers , InnoDB will be activated on the Virtual Private Server together with other necessary software, so you won’t need to do anything if you choose to manage script-powered software apps that require this MySQL storage engine. The default MySQL engine, MyISAM, will be installed as well. You can create a brand-new MySQL database and begin the app installation process manually or through our one-click installer. The system will detect which engine the particular application needs and will set it for the specific database, so the installation process will continue flawlessly and the app can enter its data into that database. Therefore, you can run applications with different requirements concerning the MySQL engine without making any modifications on your Virtual Private Server.
InnoDB in Dedicated Web Hosting
When you acquire a new
dedicated server, you will be able to pick one of the three hosting Control Panels offered by us – Hepsia, DirectAdmin and cPanel. Each server ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel comes with InnoDB pre-installed, so you won’t have to install this database engine manually in order to be able to manage open-source script-based web applications that need it. InnoDB is used by scalable apps and since a dedicated server will supply you with all the system resources that you need in order to manage large-scale websites, it’s quite possible that you’ll resort to InnoDB. You’ll be able to make use of other engines as well, so in case a particular app requires MyISAM instead of InnoDB, you will not encounter any complication while managing it. The engine that will be used will be automatically detected the moment the app installation process begins, so you won’t have to configure any setting manually at any moment.