The sooner you introduce your web site, the faster your ideas are going to go live. That’s why, we have produced a terrific collection of over 800 no cost website themes that are showcased within our Web Site Control Panel. You no longer need to shell out hours checking galleries of very close designs and hoping you’ll discover a particular design for your website. Each of the web templates are completely easy to customize and are also offered with our cloud web hosting accounts.

The templates are concentrated on diverse subjects and actions. We offer templates which can be suitable for private internet sites such as blogs as well as for company websites, like e–stores. A lot of the themes are obtainable only with AXJ’s website hosting services, and this gives you the opportunity to possess a unique design for your site.

800+ No Cost Website Themes

Fully customizable. Automatic Setting up

With AXJ, you’ll find a range of over 800 no cost website themes, built straight to the Control Panel. This can help save you a long time in browsing third–party theme sites to discover the perfect template for your web site. So now you will get your theme straight from the Control Panel.

AXJ’s no cost website themes are accessible using our Simple Site Installer as well as our own Site Creating Tool. Each one of these tools works with its own couple of web templates, so you’re able to test both and decide on the ideal appearance and feeling for your web site.

Free Website Themes

No Cost Application Website Themes

Find no cost website themes for your next web application

With the tools that you’ve got available in the AXJ Control Panel, it’s easy to set up a fresh Joomla web site or maybe a WordPress blog from scratch. You could also go with a pretty style for your website out of a plethora of custom–made templates.

You can acquire a different custom made template with the subsequent web apps: Wordpress, Joomla, Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery). AXJ’s themes are suitable for all releases of the web applications and can be acquired completely free at any moment.

Free App Themes

No Cost Site Builder Website Themes

100+ perfectly customizable no cost website themes

In the AXJ Control Panel, you’ll have access to our Site Creating Tool tool, the features over 100 different site templates. Every theme includes 2 distinctive layouts and some shade solutions. You are at liberty to update these website templates how you would like.

There’ no requirement to possess virtually any example of HTML as well as CSS to change the styles within our Website Installer. Everything is accomplished using the included editor, that’s very simple to make use of.

Free Site Builder Themes